
The required textbook which is Available from Amazon and is available as and E-Book from UCSC libraries if your are logged in with your Gold CruzID or from eduroam. 

Writing for Computer Science - Third Edition
Justin Zoebel
ISBN 13: 978-1447166382
ISBN 10: 447166388
Published 2014 by Springer International Publishing AG

Two books are also recommended, but not required:

The Elements of Style by William Strunk JR. and E.B. White - Avaliable from Amazon.

I strongly suggest you get a copy of this book and read it cover to cover. If you do, you'll almost certainly do well in this class; but if you take the time to truly absorb the wisdom it contains, not only will everything your write for the rest of your life be imeasurably improved, but you'll win attractive friends and influence important people. I promise. SO BUY THE DARN BOOK AREADY! 

Mathematical Writing by Donald E. Knuth - Available from Amazon and as a Downloadable PDF. If you have mathematical bent, go ahead and try this excellent book.