The officlal class home page has a link to this page, so we retun the compliment.

Here you'll find, behind the menus to the left, things like the sylabus, course outline,  assignments, lecture notes. 

Visit UCSC Canvas for class announcements, discussion forums, submissions.

IMPORTANT - Any resource (assignments, lecture notes, etc.) that requires authentication via your Blue CruzID must not be re-distributed, even to another student registered for this class. If you are unsure whether or not a given resource is covered by this rule, don't re-distribute it. Re-distribuition includes e-mailing, posting on-line, placing in a public Git repository, etc. Rule-of-thumb is that if anyone other than you can access it from wherever you put it, you're in breach of this rule, so don't do it.

If you need help using this web site, please send an e-mail to